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Any news on new leadwerks engine?

Andy Gilbert

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  On 9/11/2012 at 9:17 AM, gordonramp said:

Infinite Terrains would be a great feature.


Yes. +1

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Small highly detailed terrains would be a great feature


Hi Roland, Yes but any inspiring World Builder could achieve this in most Engines with quality Assets and careful placement. The ultimate would be to achieve 'highly detailed Infinite Terrains'. This may be possible. Procedural Generation, Occlusion Culling, Terrain stitching, Lods and streaming and deletion of objects could all add up to Infinite Game Worlds if it was organised well. I think that the Quality or usability of a Terrain tool in a 3D Engine is the determining factor of the success of the Engine, Games these days are becoming more and more expansive and the comments I see about Game environments usually refer to 'detail' and 'size'.

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AMD Athlon x2 7750 2.7ghz, 6gb ddr2 ram, Galaxy9800GT 1gig ddr2 video card, Windows 7,64.

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  On 9/11/2012 at 10:26 PM, gordonramp said:

Hi Roland, Yes but any inspiring World Builder could achieve this in most Engines with quality Assets and careful placement. The ultimate would be to achieve 'highly detailed Infinite Terrains'. This may be possible. Procedural Generation, Occlusion Culling, Terrain stitching, Lods and streaming and deletion of objects could all add up to Infinite Game Worlds if it was organised well. I think that the Quality or usability of a Terrain tool in a 3D Engine is the determining factor of the success of the Engine, Games these days are becoming more and more expansive and the comments I see about Game environments usually refer to 'detail' and 'size'.


Yeah, I have been looking into procedural generation ....its pretty impressive and would be a great addition to the engine, but I think its going to have to be added yourself ..


Like I want procedural generation because I believe its the best way to add atmospheric transitions for planets, I have some source code on procedural texturing but I haven't really looked through everything yet..


Its from those German guys ...Farbrausch the same guys that made the 64k game called .theprodukkt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farbrausch

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  On 9/11/2012 at 10:26 PM, gordonramp said:

Hi Roland, Yes but any inspiring World Builder could achieve this in most Engines with quality Assets and careful placement. The ultimate would be to achieve 'highly detailed Infinite Terrains'. This may be possible. Procedural Generation, Occlusion Culling, Terrain stitching, Lods and streaming and deletion of objects could all add up to Infinite Game Worlds if it was organised well. I think that the Quality or usability of a Terrain tool in a 3D Engine is the determining factor of the success of the Engine, Games these days are becoming more and more expansive and the comments I see about Game environments usually refer to 'detail' and 'size'.

What I would like is an area with high details where the action takes place, combined with a wast surronding terrain with lesser details. Of course this can be achived with a big terrain and the high detailed are as a mesh, but having two resolutions would be great. One for the area of interest and one for the surroundings. Procedural terrain sounds interesting, but dont you loose the possibilty to design the terrain then? ... I don't know to much about procedural terrains.

Roland Strålberg
Website: https://rstralberg.com

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  On 9/12/2012 at 10:44 AM, smashthewindow said:

Well I presume they're pretty slow on most implementations.


Yes pretty much. Unless you have voxels very small (which isn't really feasible especially not for mobile) they look ****ty.... I am so over the whole voxel cube thing. There can only be so many minecraft clones....

STS - Scarlet Thread Studios

AKA: Engineer Ken


Fact: Game Development is hard... very bloody hard.. If you are not prepared to accept that.. Please give up now!

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I mean voxels like in the C4 engine. It allows you to create cliffs, overhangs and arches that would not be possible with a basic height-map solution.

Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, 16 gigs ram, 3.30GHz Quad Core, GeForce GTX 460 one gig, Leadwerks 2.5, Blender 2.62, Photoshop CS3, UU3D

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Cry Engine uses voxel terrain construction too in conjunction with normal heightmap terrain for detailed outcrop sections etc, its a pretty neat feature.

Intel Core i5 2.66 GHz, Asus P7P55D, 8Gb DDR3 RAM, GTX460 1Gb DDR5, Windows 7 (x64), LE Editor, GMax, 3DWS, UU3D Pro, Texture Maker Pro, Shader Map Pro. Development language: C/C++

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  On 9/12/2012 at 6:49 PM, Pixel Perfect said:

Cry Engine uses voxel terrain construction too in conjunction with normal heightmap terrain for detailed outcrop sections etc, its a pretty neat feature.


In this case not so bad I guess, so long as the performace hit is reasonable.

STS - Scarlet Thread Studios

AKA: Engineer Ken


Fact: Game Development is hard... very bloody hard.. If you are not prepared to accept that.. Please give up now!

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In fact, most of your C++ source code should not be very LE2 specific anyway, so it will work also in LE3. I think I will make a LE2 wrapper for LE3 anyway, because the syntax of LE3 seems a bit not-so-Blitz3D style. Mostly the wrapper would need to manage lists of allocated entities and textures, so that the user doesn't have to care about them. I think that's the main difference between LE2 and LE3.


For example:

CreateCube(); // LE2 manages the memory itself

Cube cube1=new Cube(); // LE3 lets the user manage the memory


So a LE2 wrapper for LE3 would look then like this (pseudo code):

Entity& CreateCube()


Entity temp=Cube();


return global_entities.back();


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If you pre-fix all your LE commands with the LE:: namespace identifier when coding with LE2.X and C++ then it will be much easier to port to LE3 methinks... eg. LE::LoadModel()


That way you can easily identify everything that needs to change. Also you can do a search for LE:: and and it will show you everywhere where you need to change the code.

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STS - Scarlet Thread Studios

AKA: Engineer Ken


Fact: Game Development is hard... very bloody hard.. If you are not prepared to accept that.. Please give up now!

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  On 9/15/2012 at 1:03 PM, Scarlet Thread Studios said:

If you pre-fix all your LE commands with the LE:: namespace identifier when coding with LE2.X and C++ then it will be much easier to port to LE3 methinks... eg. LE::LoadModel()


That way you can easily identify everything that needs to change. Also you can do a search for LE:: and and it will show you everywhere where you need to change the code.

And all you that do that... never ever have a 'using namespace' in a header file and you will be just fine :)

Roland Strålberg
Website: https://rstralberg.com

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Hi Guys,


  On 9/15/2012 at 1:46 PM, Roland said:

And all you that do that... never ever have a 'using namespace' in a header file and you will be just fine smile.png


You can use 'using namespace' with specialised types e.g. 'using namespace std::cout;' but i wouldnt use it because it hides your dependencies.

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  On 9/22/2012 at 12:43 PM, Furbolg said:

You can use 'using namespace' with specialised types e.g. 'using namespace std::cout;' but i wouldnt use it because it hides your dependencies.


I never use it. Defeats the whole point of having namespaces in the first place. But Its just a matter of preference really.

STS - Scarlet Thread Studios

AKA: Engineer Ken


Fact: Game Development is hard... very bloody hard.. If you are not prepared to accept that.. Please give up now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tease tactics. I assume its coming soon but who knows how soon that is. I'm guessing anywhere between 2 weeks and 2 months. Though that is just my speculation. Only Josh knows when summer ends.

STS - Scarlet Thread Studios

AKA: Engineer Ken


Fact: Game Development is hard... very bloody hard.. If you are not prepared to accept that.. Please give up now!

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