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How to create a Metric System?


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I was wondering if somebody did already worked with this?


What i need to define a way to measure, size of objects, speed, weight and other stuff.


How can i turn object sizes to meters or feet?


Same with speed, i can get the velocity vector, how could i define a real speed for objects in KM/h or M/h.


velocity = GetBodyVelocity(object,0);
speed = Length(velocity);


What about weight from mass?


Thanks a lot in advance.

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Its arbitrary and relative. If you say 1 unit is 1m then as long as you base your scale on that 0.01 units is a centimetre, and 1000 is a km.. same for mass 1 mass unit in LE could be called kg .. if thats what you choose it to be and you scale accordingly. The values have no real value or comparison to real world values, only what you decide really.

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As long as the forces you are applying are in metric and at the correct scale then yes. So for example a car of 900 mass would need a decent force to make it go... Just like in the real world.

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