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Heat Shimmer


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Thank you for allowing me to post here.

I have absolutely no experience in creating textures. My question is, would anyone be interested in creating a believable heat shimmer for microsoft flight simulator X, (FSX)? I do know the ins and outs of FSX quite well and am more than willing to assist. There are a few so called Heat haze or shimmer effects but they just aren't realistic.

Thanks for taking a look---------chik

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Hello chik,


Try having a look at these tutorials on refraction and heat hazes on the wiki here -






Hopefully this helps.

Win7 64bit, Leadwerks SDK 2.5, Visual Studio 2012, 3DWS, 3ds Max, Photoshop CS5.




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Thank you very much for the reply. I will look more closely but on initial review I do think that it looks far beyond anything I am capable of mastering. I nevertheless will study it some.


thanks very much again----------chik

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My goodness, this is much more than I will ever be capable of mastering. To use the punn, This is "simply" beyond anything I could ever understand.

I hope I don't come across as a dork and I apologize for asking for something that I cannot give back although money is not out of the question. If there is anyone who is interested helping me I would seriously consider payment.

To explain a little more about what I would like to have. The heat haze as described in the tutorial is exactly what I am looking for. It has the correct texture and glossy look although making it just a little "dirtier" would be perfect. I then need to make it into a ".fx" file to be used in FSX. I do know to adjust the perameters once in the game as far as diameter, length, noise, etc.

Thank you very much so far----------chik

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You should ask someone in a Flight Simulator X forum. This forum is for Leadwerks Engine, which has absolutely nothing to do with FSX. Also the pdf's DigitalHax posted are for Leadwerks Engine...

(Win7 64bit) && (i7 3770K @ 3,5ghz) && (16gb DDR3 @ 1600mhz) && (Geforce660TI)

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