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Smooth Moving


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So just as a test so that I can better understand the Curve function, I have a character and a box. When ever the character gets less than two units from the cube, the cube moves one unit to the right and one unit forward ( diagonally ). I don't fully understand how to implement a curve function from Aggror's tutorial on YouTube, so I was wondering of you guys could help out... my goal here is to make the cube move smoothly and diagonally... here's the code:


box = CreateCube()

steamPunk = LoadModel("abstract::steam punk.gmf")

if EntityDistance(controller,box) <2 then

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this link has a lot of tutorials for LE2. The one you are looking for is the tutorial "Camera Controls". I would recommend reading the PDF instead of watching the video, but that is my preference.




I would also recommend bookmarking this link.


Good luck to you



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bool Life()
   return death;


I have found the secret to infinite life


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