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Two Questions...


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First one is: Is there any .gmf scaling tool? I know I could easily do it in Blender or what ever editor I use, but I just want to know if I'm missing out on something... I've also SetScale on some objects but their collision bounds got all screwed up


Second one is: How do you sculpt downwards when you use the terrain sculpt tool?... or any terrain tool... it just won't go down... that's what she said...

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To answer your questions:


First one: I don't think there is a .gmf scaling tool. Best way would be to scale them in your 3D modeling program. Once you have one model scaled at the right dimensions, you can use that model as a reference for all your other models.

Regarding the collision bounds, remember to delete the .phy (collision) file that Leadwerks creates automatically, after you have scaled it up/down in your 3D program. wink.png


Second one: Hold down the Ctrl key while sculpting to lower the terrain. The Ctrl key can also be used in the other terrain modes (paint, vegetation, etc...). smile.png


ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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There is a gmf scaling tool made by Marley Ghost. You can only use it on static meshes without bones. It is pretty useful. You will have to search the forum for it though I can't remember where it is.

STS - Scarlet Thread Studios

AKA: Engineer Ken


Fact: Game Development is hard... very bloody hard.. If you are not prepared to accept that.. Please give up now!

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