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Writable Text Area


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To get used to the UAK workflow I decided to make a simple notepad like application. It was going to be notepad just with a side panel file system to group notes in a logical manner based on related note content. 

I went to implement this and realized there is no way to have a writable TextArea. I have to create a hidden TextField, set it to TEXTCHANGEACTIONEVENT, then do all this hacky round about ways to make the text area be populated in a way that makes sense.

Is something like a writable TextArea being considered for a widget?

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An editable multi-line text editor is pretty difficult, and the list of feature requests would be quite large. There's syntax highlighting, code folding, intellisense / linting, the list goes on and on. For my own application, I decided to rely on Visual Studio Code instead of using a built-in script editor.

The best solution is probably to integrate an existing library into the interface, maybe Scintilla or another library. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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oh yes certainly something like that shouldn't be provided by a framework for the purpose UAK serves. I'm talking about a simple TextBox like the one in WPF or the TextEdit widget from QT a simple non rich textbox.

I'm sure you have lots of stuff you're working on but I wanted to suggest it. If I come up with an elegant solution I'll be sure to post about it!

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I think it is possible. The text field already contains most of the required functionality, and on Linux the word wrapping is performed manually, so I could use that same code to break up the text into an array of separate lines. Lots of work to get it right, but it is possible in the future.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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