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Black Window after player Z position > 2000


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When I move the player a long distance from the world origin,
firstly the shadows disappear and after Z > 2000 the screen is totally black
First it is all normal:
then shadows disappear

and then (z> 2000) only things from postrender get drawn on the screen.

Position x:7.6799964904785 y:1.4799995422363 z:1264.5567626953 -- round about here shadows disappear (+-50)
Position x:7.6799974441528 y:1.4799995422363 z:2033.2707519531 -- here black screen (+-50)

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And it looks like the camera position has to be at around 65,000 on one axis before the shadow disappears. Since the editor is using centimeters, that means 650 meters or so...

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  • Solution

Click on the root node in the scene hierarchy tree to display the Map properties.

Set the size to 4096.

Enjoy. :)

  • Thanks 1

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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On 5/22/2021 at 7:11 PM, Slastraf said:

It seems to be very small at 4000 aswell.
In this scene I put the size to 4000 in the editor and did the same thing from before but the player still disappeared.
This is a major issue to the game I want to develop, and even still this should not be the limit to this engine.

What now? Is this solved or not?

I played a lot with 4096x4096 maps with a lot of models and never got an issue, so this is strange...

Maybe I don't understand this.

So you say the player + shadow disappear at the edges of the map? Is that correct?



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