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Ultra AppKit - Is it possible to get a DLL version of Ultra AppKit?


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Okay, the system dialog interrupts the program execution and I think no mouse move event is picked up when control goes back to the main program.This can probably be avoided if I add some built-in code that executes a fake mouse leave event.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi again,

I'm currently facing a problem which is linked to the last one. Right now I have a button, and upon pressing the button it needs to get disabled. This time the mouse is still on the button at the time it gets disabled and thus again keeps the blue border. I think this should be fixed when you put in that fake mouse-leave event to button->disable(). However, is there a way to make this work as of now? I tried this:

// first try to fix it

// trying to emit the mouseleave, but I think it can't get handled before the next line of code. either way has no effect.
EmitEvent(Event(EVENT_MOUSELEAVE, btn));


// try to fix and redraw after disabling, no effect

So far I couldn't get it to work. Do you have any idea how to get it work, or should I leave it be at the moment and wait for a new release?



edit: I noticed the keyboard combinations SHIFT+POS1 as well as SHIFT+END do not seem to work in textfields for selecting text. Is it possible to add these?

edit 2: By mistake I placed a button so that it is half hidden, i.e. it is half hidden behind another control. when clicking the button and then moving the mouse onto the control which is drawn over it, the button will not notice that the other control gained focus and keep its blue border. on the other hand when the widget above the button was clicked before and the mouse moves between the two the border works properly, i.e. blue when mouse is over and no blue border when it leaves again.

edit 3: Is the function SetRange() the one for setting the, well .. range, for a slider widget? I think it's missing in the documentation?

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