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Normal and spec in Leadwerks 3?

Andy Gilbert

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Is there anything special I need to do in order to get normal and spec maps to work? I am obviously changing the shaders to suit but again it seems to not do anything?


I'm not sure if they are or not, if they are they are hardly doing anything but I can't tell a different in a material with or without normal and specs?


So... Can normal and spec maps bein applied to dynamic and static materials? And he not so maps in le3 seem to be different it ones used in le2 and more commently else where, is this so?




The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do.


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I agree, shaders seems to be fixed , rotating model keeps normal maps and specular the same sad.png


I think the shaders seems to be working woth a hard coded light fixed in the shader code.


I placed a dynamic light in the scene but it had no influence on the normal map shader in the character ?


In fact the light seems to light in some uniform way the character like some diffuse system, not like some normal map and dynamic light system ?


Because i will try Android, i won't go for shaders, but keep simple lightening.


But i paid for a PC package also sad.png

So it would be great to have shaders reacting to lights in the PC version.

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Presently normal and spec maps work only on dynamically lit materials. There's a technique I have used before to pack light direction data into light maps, and I am planning to do that after the GDC. (Source Engine uses this.) I'm trying to be more conservative with the features so that things stay well-documented and the code remains maintainable.


I think I can actually pack the direction value into the alpha channel of the lightmap, so that means it wouldn't even require an extra texture or texture lookup.


YouGroove, I don't know what you did, but the characters materials will definitely be normal mapped according to the surrounding lights.

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Watch out, noob questions...:


1) After impoerting a normal map into Leadwerks 3, it's getting a reddish taint. Is LE3 flipping channels?


2) What exactly are the file naming conventions for the material generator to pick up normal and specular maps? In the docs it's mentioning 'dot3', a scrrenshot shows the normal map with '_n' and the spec with '_s'.


A suggestion: It would be great if you could drag 'n drop the normal and specular textures from the asset explorer into the slots in the material editor. Even better if you could do that from the file system with an automatic import in between!

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"_s" is for specular.

But you don't have to respect that convention you could call it : "specularMap.jpeg"


A suggestion: It would be great if you could drag 'n drop the normal and specular textures from the asset explorer into the slots in the material editor. Even better if you could do that from the file system with an automatic import in between


Good point, automatic conversion as it is done already when you import the texture from import menu.


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"_s" is for specular.

But you don't have to respect that convention you could call it : "specularMap.jpeg"


A suggestion: It would be great if you could drag 'n drop the normal and specular textures from the asset explorer into the slots in the material editor.

You can!

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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