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How to get upgrade price-purchase link?


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Hi Josh, team and everyone.


I noticed purchase options became available so I tried upgrading my license to Leadwerks 3, however, the link says price is reduced for LE2 customers, but the price is still the full US$199 when you buy it.

Where can you find a purchase link for LE2 customers with the discount/upgrade price?


thanks in advance.


My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... :D

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weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! done! :D

One last question, the android-ios addons' price is also discounted already or will it remain $99?

My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... :D

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Josh, one last question, if I already had eclipse + the adt extensions + the android sdk installed, will it conflict with LE3's android tools?

Should I uninstall everything I had so far for android? And vice versa, can the android tools in LE3 (eclipse+adt+sdk) be used for regular android development, or are they tailored only for Leadwerks 3?



My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... :D

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I am pretty sure that they will also work for regular android development.




Sorry but I forgot to answer your other question.

You don't need to uninstall anything you had installed before. It runs nicely side by side for me.


I haven't seen special files in the directory's with the name leadwerks to be true.

Can't I just use the normal sdk with the ndk installed?


I also tried darkness awaits on my galaxy note (running android 4.2.2). It was a bit slow on start but went a lot smoother after I killed the first goblin.

Not really sure if it went smoother with every killed goblin.


But the game went to a crawl after I pushed the lever and showed the app kill dialogue after some time. Android itself was always very responsive (I already had games that also slowed down the system while running)


So I am pretty sure there should be more room for optimisation.


Just wanted to tell my observations since I don't know which optimisations are already done.

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Thanks a lot beo6. I just got my account activated and was able to download everything. Indeed everything gets installed cleanly, and things work as they're supposed to. I had no problems with my existing android tools setup, and I was able to compile and run the demo on my T-mobile G2x, everything went smooth, only some non-responsive controller problems in the end, but to be a start, it's a great one! :D


hope to post some results and tests soon.




My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... :D

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