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bitblt drawing


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I guess this question is for both LE2 & Leadwerks 3. Does anyone know how to get more of a BitBlt drawing instead of the current drawing which scales? I do use the scaling, but for a couple instances I would prefer that only partial areas of the image be drawn to avoid funky scaling in one area of my game.

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Any chance on getting some love on this? I'm probably a week away from porting my LE2 game (http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/5916-solo-warrior/) to LE3 and this is a requirement for a couple places in my UI code. Using the normal stretching works good for some UI elements, but when I get into health bars and xp bars, really low values for width end up screwing the visual up.

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What object will you use to make the GUI ? i didn't fidn anything in Docs reference ?


You could go for reactangular surface quads ?

Easy to scale up and down, collisions should work doign some ray cast for buttons touch or click ?

Stop toying and make games

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2D gradient images that represent health/mana/xp values. You don't find anything in docs because it doesn't exist. It's a pretty basic 2D drawing command that I feel should be included. I don't wish to scale things like these are they don't work well, and I wish to use 2D for my GUI. It's not an unreasonable request and a very common 2D command that opens the doors to some possibilities on the 2D side of things.

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