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Security Camera - Render Target


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It's been many months since the last time I've worked with Leadwerks, the same months since I've been here. I hope you are all OK.

This week I have resumed my project, and I have come face to face with a problem that I still cannot solve in my Leadwerks.

And this is the using of "Render Target" in the Camera entity. Inside Leadwerks it works great, and the camera image renders fine when running the game.



But publishing/exporting the game in a Standalone, when I run it the texture doesn't receive the image projected by the camera.


I've kept searching on Google and here on the forum, and I still can't find an answer to my problem.

Can someone help me, because I can't fix this problem that seems so simple... I've been dragging it for very long time and I'm not capable of making this work in Standalone. Many thanks!!

Many thanks in advance!!


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7 hours ago, Josh said:

Probably there is a missing texture in your published game?

Many thanks!!

But Nope... In the second screenshot i've shown you the bluegrid texture is correctly shown in the box...

Mi BLUEGRID.TEX is in the DATA.ZIP inside the PUBLISHED game, check this screenshot:


The texture is correctly exported and inside of data.zip.

More ideas?

Thank you very much.

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This is my bluegrid texture:


Anyway, I have tested the TARGET TEXTURE with another diffuse texture in my Leadwerks and the results are the same.

The camera projects ok images running the game from LEADWERKS, but when i export the game with PUBLISH / STANDALONE game, the camera images doesn't appears on the wall being possible to see the texture instead of the camera image.

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9 hours ago, Russell said:

This is the project Uploaded:

And this is the Exported PUBLISHED STANDALONE test game:

If you execute it, can you see if the camera image is projected on the box??

I confirm, none of the files work correctly. 




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3 hours ago, Yue said:

This is the only viable option at this time. ;)


Arreglar Preuba4rar.rar

De put* madre!!! Muchísimas gracias!!!

Many thanks!!!!

I had been trying to solve it with code for a long time, and I have not been able to even use the Leadwerks wiki with the example render target that comes there.

For a **** like that and I was going crazy!!
This afternoon I will try to implement it in my project, and finally I will be able to create the puzzles I had in mind for FotoMuseo 3D on Steam...

From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!


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15 hours ago, Yue said:

This is the only viable option at this time. ;)


Arreglar Preuba4rar.rar

Many many many many many many thanks Yue!!!

This finally works for me!!!


It works perfectly for me, and finally knowing why something so simple with the camera was giving me so many problems, now I can implement the puzzles and ideas I had for my project!!

I've tried to solve it lot of times by code and I haven't been able to!!

Thank you very much!! Me acabas de hacer un hijo de madera!!!!!!




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