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LE3 lightmaps don't change with directional light


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Hi everyone,

Working with brushes in the editor I noticed that lightmaps are not changing when you move directional lights (after recalculating light). Point lights and spot lights are working fine but you need to set very high values or have them placed very close to objects to get shadows casted.


My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... :D

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Why would moving a directional light cause any change at all? You are thinking of it like a point light. Rotate it to change its light direction.

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Guest Red Ocktober

of course the lighting from a directional light comes from its orientation... that's why i was wondering why there's a range option button in the properties dialog for the directional light...




look at the results of lightmapped scenes produced in CShop, Giles, or any lightmapping tool in a modeller... compare em to the scenes in Leadwerks 3 editor...




compare the same scene in Leadwerks 2 with the dynamic lights set in the same positions...


you'll see a distinct difference...



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Guest Red Ocktober
directionnal have contant intensity and direction.You can move them it wo'nt change anything,


i think that's the way directional lights are supposed to work YG... that's what Josh was saying above...



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Thanks a lot guys, I didn't try rotation indeed. ;) That's a nice feat in LE2.5's editor's renderer, you can see shadows change in real time, though I know things are heading that way for Leadwerks 3.




My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... :D

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