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Additional control over NavAgent


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There are some members of the NavAgent class that are useful but protected such as m_velocity would be ideal to have exposed by public function along with destination member.

Also the ability to control the rate of which an agent must rotate before fully accelerating should be controllable. A larger value would give the object a larger turning circle, wheras a lower value or 0 would indicate that no actual rotation is required, but instead the model immediately faces the direction of the new destination and starts accelerating.

If I can think of anything else I'll let you know but thats all for now :) Thanks

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The parameters for nav agents can use are defined in DetourCrowd.h:

/// Configuration parameters for a crowd agent.
/// @ingroup crowd
struct dtCrowdAgentParams
	float radius;						///< Agent radius. [Limit: >= 0]
	float height;						///< Agent height. [Limit: > 0]
	float maxAcceleration;				///< Maximum allowed acceleration. [Limit: >= 0]
	float maxSpeed;						///< Maximum allowed speed. [Limit: >= 0]

	/// Defines how close a collision element must be before it is considered for steering behaviors. [Limits: > 0]
	float collisionQueryRange;

	float pathOptimizationRange;		///< The path visibility optimization range. [Limit: > 0]

	/// How aggresive the agent manager should be at avoiding collisions with this agent. [Limit: >= 0]
	float separationWeight;

	/// Flags that impact steering behavior. (See: #UpdateFlags)
	unsigned char updateFlags;

	/// The index of the avoidance configuration to use for the agent. 
	/// [Limits: 0 <= value <= #DT_CROWD_MAX_OBSTAVOIDANCE_PARAMS]
	unsigned char obstacleAvoidanceType;	

	/// The index of the query filter used by this agent.
	unsigned char queryFilterType;

	/// User defined data attached to the agent.
	void* userData;

I don't think Detour actually has any concept of rotation. I think adjusting max acceleration is the only way to make a larger turning radius. My system just rotates thing in the direction they were last moving, with a smooth blend/transition between angles so they don't jitter.

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Here are the obstacle avoidance parameters. I don't know what any of these do, I just use the default values:

struct dtObstacleAvoidanceParams
	float velBias;
	float weightDesVel;
	float weightCurVel;
	float weightSide;
	float weightToi;
	float horizTime;
	unsigned char gridSize;	///< grid
	unsigned char adaptiveDivs;	///< adaptive
	unsigned char adaptiveRings;	///< adaptive
	unsigned char adaptiveDepth;	///< adaptive


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And I guess these are the update flags, although I have never used them:

/// Crowd agent update flags.
/// @ingroup crowd
/// @see dtCrowdAgentParams::updateFlags
enum UpdateFlags
	DT_CROWD_OPTIMIZE_VIS = 8,			///< Use #dtPathCorridor::optimizePathVisibility() to optimize the agent path.
	DT_CROWD_OPTIMIZE_TOPO = 16,		///< Use dtPathCorridor::optimizePathTopology() to optimize the agent path.


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