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If I remove the occlusion system from the camera the error is not displayed. However, everything is rendered even if it is not in the camera. What I am trying to do is to create a base with small rooms and setting a respective angle to avoid the problem. If the wall is not too far away from the camera the effect is not seen.



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Optimizing this, it's really scary, but I have better performance. I've dismembered everything, and checked every script, to see where the performance is messed up.

In this scene I have a very good amount of frames per second. The mistake was not to start with the stats and I'm paying dearly for it.

Quality of shadows and terrain to the maximum.



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In the process of optimization, which is rather a process of rewriting the game as a whole. The problem seems to be the lightning to collect the items, as well as wanting to attach different objects to the player's backpack.

In the game with the player controller, the performance drops, but it is still bearable. A scene without the character controller goes for 300 frames per second, and in the level 180 frames per second.

I'm moving on to the vehicle implementation and this is sure to drop even more.

My gtx 1070 is not as good as I thought.








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By optimizing the vehicle system, I have a very good rate of frames per second.  Everything points to the fact that the code should be fully optimized.  This is an art as porcupine spider said.





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9 hours ago, Yue said:

By optimizing the vehicle system, I have a very good rate of frames per second.  Everything points to the fact that the code should be fully optimized.  This is an art as porcupine spider said.


based on this screenshot, I think everything is in good shape. All those numbers are reasonable. You can see the rendering time on the CPU is only 2 milliseconds, so it is likely you are GPU-limited. this means the shaders just process as fast as the GPU allows and there are no other bottlenecks.

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My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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5 hours ago, Josh said:

based on this screenshot, I think everything is in good shape. All those numbers are reasonable. You can see the rendering time on the CPU is only 2 milliseconds, so it is likely you are GPU-limited. this means the shaders just process as fast as the GPU allows and there are no other bottlenecks.

Josh, a question, do you think the models attached to the character's back, in his backpack, affect performance? The system is as follows: all those meshes are attached, they're just not visible. The same goes for the models in his hand, they're all there, but not visible. The game is that when he picks up an object, it becomes visible in his backpack, and then if he moves it to his hand, the object in his hand becomes visible while the one in the backpack becomes invisible 


ChatGPT translate.




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The first vehicle was based on these unsupported commands, a good result on a visual level, and above all the productivity in creating a vehicle was encouraging. But, I have many problems of Render Time, and unexpected shutdowns of the game.

Now I'm creating my own vehicle system based on Hinge joints, without suspension, more rigid, like a horse's fetlock but the performance is nice. Possibly I will improve it with time.







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By entering structures I can remove the terrain, fog and sky box along with the outlying lights and other elements. This solves the problem of disappearing walls, and I can create subway structures, where the player can climb down a ladder into the interior of the planet



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I think from trying so hard to do something with Leadwerks and many tools, I'm on the right track. The new thing I'm learning is Optimize, terrain, sunlight, fog, skybox and vehicle update don't exist when inside the base.



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Well, dabbling in C++, the results delight me in terms of performance, and focused on optimizing my code, I have to say I thought I would never do things in c++, and in relation to Lua, I feel like I'm a real programmer. xD

Sure, the process is slower, the compile times a bit longer, it's just habit, but the performance is encouraging. Besides learning new concepts of classes, constructors, destructors, pointers, all this in coordination with ChatGPT is going slowly but with good results.



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