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Paul Thomas

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Copy and pasted as-is, edit for your purposes, this is a direct recode (with minor additions) of the provided LUA script.

#pragma once

#include "Leadwerks.h"
using namespace Leadwerks;

class Spectator

	// context width
	int width = 1024;
	// context height
	int height = 768;
	// parent
	Entity* parent = nullptr;
	// camera
	Camera* camera = nullptr;


	Spectator() {}
	Spectator(int _width, int _height) : width(_width), height(_height) {}
	Spectator(int _width, int _height, Entity* _parent) : width(_width), height(_height), parent(_parent) {}
	Spectator(int _width, int _height, Camera* _camera) : width(_width), height(_height), camera(_camera) {}
	Spectator(int _width, int _height, Camera* _camera, Entity* _parent) : width(_width), height(_height), camera(_camera), parent(_parent) {}

	void Create() { camera = Camera::Create(); }
	void Create(Entity* _parent) { parent = _parent; camera = Camera::Create(_parent); }
	void Create(int _width, int _height) { width = _width; height = _height; camera = Camera::Create(); }
	void Create(int _width, int _height, Entity* _parent) { width = _width; height = _height; parent = _parent; camera = Camera::Create(_parent); }
	void Create(int _width, int _height, Camera* _camera) { width = _width; height = _height; camera = _camera; }

	void SetWidth(int _width) { width = _width; }
	int GetWidth() { return width; }
	void SetHeight(int _height) { height = _height; }
	int GetHeight() { return height; }
	void SetDimensions(Vec3 dimension) { width = dimension.x; height = dimension.y; }
	Vec2 GetDimensions() { return Vec2(width, height); }
	void SetParent(Entity* _parent) { parent = _parent; }
	Entity* GetParent() { return parent; }
	void SetCamera(Camera* _camera) { camera = _camera; }
	Camera* GetCamera() { return camera; }


	bool enabled = true;
	Vec2 center = Vec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
	Model* spectator;


	float moveSpeed = 5.0f;
	float maxSpeed = 50.0f;
	float speedStep = 5.0f;
	float moveSmoothing = 0.3f;
	float radius = 0.5f;
	float lookSpeed = 0.1f;
	float lookSmoothing = 0.5f;

	Vec3 mousePos = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	Vec3 cameraRot = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	virtual void Initialize()
		if (camera == nullptr) { Create(width, height); }

		center = Vec2(width * 0.5f, height * 0.5f);
		mousePos = Vec3(center.x, center.y, 0.0f);
		cameraRot = camera->GetRotation();

		spectator = Model::Sphere(8);
		spectator->SetFriction(0.0f, 0.0f);

	virtual void Update(Window* window)
		if (window == nullptr) return;
		// debug
		if (window->KeyDown(Key::F1)) { enabled = !enabled; }
		if (window->KeyDown(Key::F2)) { camera->SetDebugEntityBoxesMode(!camera->GetDebugEntityBoxesMode()); }
		if (window->KeyDown(Key::F3)) { camera->SetDebugPhysicsMode(!camera->GetDebugPhysicsMode()); }

		if (!enabled) return;

		Vec3 mpos = window->GetMousePosition();
		window->SetMousePosition(center.x, center.y);
		mpos = mpos * lookSmoothing + mousePos * (1 - lookSmoothing);
		float dx = (mpos.x - center.x) * lookSpeed;
		float dy = (mpos.y - center.y) * lookSpeed;
		cameraRot.x = cameraRot.x + dy;
		cameraRot.y = cameraRot.y + dx;
		mousePos = mpos;

		Vec3 move = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		if (window->KeyDown(Key::W) || window->KeyDown(Key::Up)) { move.z += moveSpeed; }
		if (window->KeyDown(Key::S) || window->KeyDown(Key::Down)) { move.z -= moveSpeed; }
		if (window->KeyDown(Key::D) || window->KeyDown(Key::Right)) { move.x += moveSpeed; }
		if (window->KeyDown(Key::A) || window->KeyDown(Key::Left)) { move.x -= moveSpeed; }
		if (window->KeyDown(Key::Q) || window->KeyDown(Key::Space) || window->KeyDown(Key::PageDown)) { move.y += moveSpeed; }
		if (window->KeyDown(Key::E) || window->KeyDown(Key::ControlKey) || window->KeyDown(Key::PageUp)) { move.y -= moveSpeed; }
		if (window->KeyDown(Key::Shift)) { moveSpeed = maxSpeed; }
		else { moveSpeed = 5.0f; }

		Vec3 velocity = spectator->GetVelocity(false);
		Vec3 desired = Vec3(move.x, 0.0f, move.z) + Transform::Vector(0.0f, move.y, 0.0f, nullptr, spectator);
		spectator->AddForce((desired - velocity) * spectator->GetMass() / moveSmoothing, false);

	virtual ~Spectator() { delete camera; }

	virtual void Enable() { enabled = true; }
	virtual void Disable() { enabled = false; }


I will edit the class later if needed.


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