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Windows/MacOS Project Compatibility (and other stuff maybe)


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I'm just starting out today playing with Leadwerks 3, having no prior Leadwerks experience. I'm saying this as a disclaimer in case I start asking stupid questions :)


Can anyone tell me if there is project compatibility between the Windows and MacOS versions of the editor? That is, can I create a project on Windows, work on it, then open it on MacOS, work on it, then go back to working on Windows... etc?


If so, is this ALWAYS the case? As the project becomes more and more complex is there a chance that I could hit a point where switching development platforms could break something?

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I've been doing that. You will have separate projects for windows and mac one for xcode and visual studio which wont be compatible. I've just been copying the source code over between the platforms which has been working. The Leadwerks game projects, art, scripts etc are compatible.


So yes it's just a matter of copying your source and game files over.



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Okay, great - thanks! I understand that the Xcode/VS projects are obviously not compatible. It's just the Leadwerks project I was thinking of. I might be using the wrong terms for things.


I save projects in a Dropbox and generally use a Windows machine in the office and MacOS when at home.


Following on though, if I purchase a Leadwerks license, can I only run a single instance of it? Or could I install it on both my Windows box and MacOS box?

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