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How to perform action with widget button click


Go to solution Solved by Andy90,

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This is my code but nothing happesn


function CreateInventory()
	inventoryUI = Widget:Panel(10, 10, 300, 500, base);
	x = 20;
	y = 20;
	local sep = 20;

	label = Widget:Label("Items:", x, y, 300, 14, inventoryUI);
	y = y + sep;

	itemList = Widget:ListBox(x, y, 260, 300, inventoryUI);
	y = y + 300 + sep;

	btnDrop = Widget:Button("Drop", x, y, 260, 26, inventoryUI);
	btnDrop.onclick = function() 
	y = y + sep;


function Script:Start()

function Script:UpdateWorld()
	if (window:KeyHit(Key.I)) then
		if (inventoryUI:Hidden()) then
			mousePos = window:GetMousePosition()
			self.player.script.canMove = false
			window:SetMousePosition(mousePos.x, mousePos.y)
			self.player.script.canMove = true

	while EventQueue:Peek() do
		local event = EventQueue:Wait()
		if event.source == widget then


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  • Solution

Okey i figured out the problem and how to fix it. It might be usefull for some other people so i post my solution. First of all i found this post 

this means you can have only one event queue. There is allready one within the main.lua. If you want process the events within multiple scripts you need to edit the event queue like this


	--Update events
	while EventQueue:Peek() do
		local event = EventQueue:Wait()
		event = gamemenu:ProcessEvent(event)
		-- Own Event Callbacks paste the following bellow
		for x = 0, world:CountEntities() - 1 do
			local entity = world:GetEntity(x);
			local entityScript = entity.script;
			if entityScript and entityScript.ProcessEvent then

 with this edit the main loop will iterate all entitys in your map and checks if the entity has a script attached and if the script have the "ProcessEvent" function. If this statement true it will call the ProcessEvent function within this script and sets the event message as parameter. So you can now insert this function in your scripts and handle events in diffrent scripts like this

Example Script attached to an entity

function Script:ProcessEvent(event)
	if event.source == btnDrop then
		System:Print("Hello Button Event!");	


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I found another solution which could improve the performance when you have more than 1000 entities in your scene.
With the new solution, you won't need to iterate through all entities anymore. Instead, we'll create an EventHandler Script where we
can register widgets with callback methods. When a widget is clicked, it will trigger the specified function.

Let's start by creating the EventHandler. In this new file, we'll create a table called "EventHandler" and two functions:
"EventHandler:AddListener" function which adds a new listener to the EventHandler, and the "EventHandler:ProcessEvent" function
which gets called when an event is triggered.

1. EventHandler.Lua

EventHandler = {}

function EventHandler:AddListener(widget, callback, parent)
	listener = {
		widget = widget, 
		callback = callback,
		parent = parent
	table.insert(self, listener);

function EventHandler:ProcessEvent(event)
	for _, listener in ipairs(self) do
		if event.source == listener.widget then
			listener.callback(event, listener.parent);




As you can see, the EventHandler:AddListener function takes three parameters: the widget that triggers the event, the callback function to execute when the event is triggered, and the parent script.


2. Implementing the EventHandler
To implement the EventHandler, you'll need to import it within the main.lua file.




import("Scripts/EventHandler.lua") --this is our script within the main.lua

After this step, we will modify the EventQueue within the main.lua file. It should look like this afterwards:

while EventQueue:Peek() do
	local event = EventQueue:Wait()
	event = gamemenu:ProcessEvent(event)
	-- Here the Event Handler Process


3. Using the EventHandler for your widgets
After creating and implementing the EventHandler, it's time to use it for your widgets. Let's create a button widget and add a listener to the EventHandler.

-- Create a ui and add a listener to the EventHandler for the button click
function Script:CreateInventory()
	inventoryUI = Widget:Panel(10, 10, 300, 500, base)
	x = 20
	y = 20
	local sep = 20

	label = Widget:Label("Items:", x, y, 300, 14, inventoryUI)
	y = y + sep

	itemList = Widget:ListBox(x, y, 260, 300, inventoryUI)
	y = y + 300 + sep

	btnDrop = Widget:Button("Drop", x, y, 260, 26, inventoryUI)
  	-- add your listener for the btnDrop here.
	EventHandler:AddListener(btnDrop, DropButtonClick, self); 
	y = y + sep


-- this is the function which gets called when the button get clicked. 
function DropButtonClick(event, parent)



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Ah, that's fantastic! I'm eager to start working with the Ultra Engine soon. It seems like an incredibly robust platform for game development. I'm particularly impressed by the incorporation of AI features. Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly the next frontier. Perhaps it might also be worth considering the possibility of implementing AI to assist in script creation.

During my design study, many people struggled with programming. A feature like this could be really helpful for them.

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