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End of File and seek position outside of file bounds

CJO Games

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The zip file above only includes one file, an .ultra map file. I will need the glTF files in order to investigate this (along with their .bin files and textures)

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The original fbx files are here so that you can convert them yourself - I can't send you the mats as the folder is too large and I'm not actually sure which atlas is the correct one for the model...

the only .bin file in the folder is attached - not sure if this is the correct one or not.

buffer.zip Yellow_Ladder_02.zip Yellow_Ladder_03.zip

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What you can do is open the model in the asset editor, then select the File > Save As option and save a glTF to the desktop or in another folder somewhere, then zip those files up.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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I would but as soon as I get to the files that are in .gltf format in the editor (however I do it) the error boxes come up and then as of today the editor crashes to desktop.

If I use the editor to scroll the .fbx files it doesn't crash and no errors are present it is only once it reaches the .gltf files that the editor seems to have a problem.

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Oh, I bet I know what is happening...

Both these files are using "buffer.bin":

    "asset": {
        "generator": "FBX2glTF v0.9.7",
        "version": "2.0"
    "scene": 0,
    "buffers": [
            "byteLength": 32208,
            "uri": "buffer.bin"


    "asset": {
        "generator": "FBX2glTF v0.9.7",
        "version": "2.0"
    "scene": 0,
    "buffers": [
            "byteLength": 34608,
            "uri": "buffer.bin"

Usually the bin file is named the same as the glTF, but your exporter is just saving it as "buffer.bin" for every file, overwriting the bin file used by other glTF files you export. So the editor is correctly reporting an error in the format because the data being read does not match one of the glTF files.

You can either change this setting in your glTF exporter, or save each glTF file into a separate subfolder.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Oddly enough, I was just writing to suggest this as the possible problem as I had isolated each model type within there own folders .fbx; .mdl & .gltf and the problem had gone away...

I also created a separate texture and materials folder with textures a sub folder of materials - I'm sure somebody better at code than me could explain how to do this automatically... 

thanks Josh!

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1 minute ago, Josh said:

So the Facebook FBX to glTF converter does this, right? I don't see any CLI switches to change it:

To be honest, I had no luck using that tool. I accidentally copied over my Cyclone fbx files and it just made a bunch of useless garbage. I have better luck exporting as a gltf right out of blender.

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The only immediate fix is to add the --binary switch to the command line in line 10 of FBX2glTF.lua:

    local arguments = "--binary -i \""..path.."\" -o \""..output.."\""

This will save the file as a .glb with bin and textures packed into a single file.

Reported this issue to Facebook here:

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Not sure if this is relevant but it would seem that Godot game engine are relying on their own build as the upstream is (according to their website) no longer maintained - link here: FBX Import (godotengine.org) perhaps there is some useful additions in their build that could be used to fashion something for Ultra?


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Solution

I added some code in the FBX convert script that loads the glTF file as JSON data, changes the name and location of the bin file, and resaves it. This fixes the problem and allows use of .gltf rather than .glb.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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