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FindChild with name instead of text


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Hello :) based on the Discord conversation, I suggest modifying the FindChild function by recommending the use of a name variable instead of the text variable. The reason behind this suggestion is straightforward: Imagine you have a panel with 5 labels, and you want to change the texts of these labels. To achieve this, you would need to store all five labels individually, as using FindChild with the text variable might not work accurately when the text is modified. Additionally, the name variable typically remains unchanged, enhancing the reliability and simplicity of locating and modifying labels in a panel. 

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It's more about being able to save, for instance, only the UI panels and then retrieve all other necessary objects from this single panel. While it's technically possible to store all variables in a global header, managing multiple variables for changes could become overwhelming. The idea is to streamline and minimize the number of global variables for improved organization and simplicity.

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I suggest using this UIElement class for handling groups of UI elements:

This is how I handle all the major "areas" in the editor interface. You create a derived class and store variables for all the widgets you create in the class, then call Listen() to intercept the events you want to process in your ProcessEvent override.

Note that UIElement is not a widget, it is just a container for storing widgets and responding to events.

class MainPanel : public UIElement
	shared_ptr<Widget> panel, button;

	bool Initialize(int x, int y, int width, int height, shared_ptr<Widget> parent)
		panel = CreatePanel(x, y, width, height, parent);
		button = CreateButton("TEST", 20, 20, 80, 30, panel);
		Listen(EVENT_WIDGETACTION, button);
		return true;
	bool ProcessEvent(const Event& e)
		if (e.id == EVENT_WIDGETACTION and e.source == button)
			return false;// stop processing this event
		return true;// allow other hooks to process the event


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