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Having some issues with adding a physics hook to an entity.


void PlayerUpdate(Entity* entity);

// .cpp
void PlayerUpdate(Entity* entity)
//update player
bool App::Start()
//Somewhere in start function


IntelliSense: argument of type "void (App::*)(Leadwerks::Entity *entity)" is incompatible with parameter of type "void *"

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IntelliSense: argument of type "void (App::*)(Leadwerks::Entity *entity)" is incompatible with parameter of type "void *"

Your compiler is rightfully complaining that your function pointer isn't of the correct type ie "void *".


The error lies within the declaration of System::AddHook() which has "void *" as the second parameter. AddHook should expect a function pointer of type void NOT a void pointer as they are in fact two completely different things and this should be classified as a typo bug.


The correct declaration for System::AddHook() should have been this....

typdef void (*vFunc)(Leadwerks::Entity *);

AddHook(int hookid, vFunc hook) {

As a temporary measure you call cast all your function pointers to void pointers but generally speaking this is considered dangerous in the C++ world and some compilers may not allow you even to do that. In a case were compilation has been successful you will often run into instability issues, memory address violations or other runtime errors... Avoid!


See this discussion on the subject...



"If our brains were simple enough for us to understand them, we'd be so simple that we couldn't." - Ian Stewart 1995.

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Good explanation, didnt know/realized that AddHook is the real problem.


Of course using void* is a bad thing, because void* can be anything. But there are exceptions for example if you know what void* represents, then it shouldnt be a problem to cast it ( beginthread etc. ):

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