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[LE3] lights not working


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I'm putting lights into this scene and I see the difference in the perspective view, but when I calc lights it says it finished in like 22 ms, and when I run the game the lights don't see to be there. It's really dark. Is there a known bug or am I missing something? This seems pretty basic, and it was working. At one point I added 2 directional lights so not sure if that screwed it up.


I make a new map and it just doesn't seem to matter. It's like the lights are broken or something.

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The default shaders come in 2 flavours, static and dynamic (which you can set in the material)

Static means lightmapped, but only csg geometry can use these for lightmap (light and shadow)

Custom geometry imported should ue dynamic since the lightmapper only cast light/shadow on csg geometry.

But you could ofcource use an external lightmapper and a second UV channel.

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@Rick :

Do you use BPS or models ?

Caus Lightmapping will only work in BSP geometry.

You put 2 directionnal lights, in the normal way of doing levels, one directionnal is enought.


What are your texture sizes ? big ? and it is standard sizes (256,512,1024 etc ....) ?



If it was BSP perhaps you had some problem like this one ?



I also had some fast lightmap compute time once with BSP, i just remade another project.

Stop toying and make games

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They are normal models. So dynamic materials on these will treat the lights dynamically (like LE2?) instead of using the lightmap? I swear I selected dynamic when I made the materials. I'll have to try again I guess. I'll keep you updated.

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