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LE 3 : Custom level collision not possible


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I created a level model made of cimple cubes.

I would want collision for this model to just use the ploygons of it directly.

But it can't be done :(

Other 3D engines allow that , why not Leadwerks 3, it becomes useless in that caes for me.


There is some Shape file, we can choose, how to generate it ?

It will be a lot better workflwo and more simple if we could choose some option like :

- Use model shape for collision



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You would generally use a low poly poly or blocked out shape file of the model you want to apply it too.


CSG will always be simple so the physics will work fine, for models you would create a model physics file. A simple blocked out shape that represents the model.


Note, i wouldn't say this is a bug?



The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do.


Leadwerks Game-Ready 3D Models:https://sellfy.com/gib3d

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You would generally use a low poly poly or blocked out shape file of the model you want to apply it too.

Reminds me year 2004 -2006 and when i used a german 3D engine, it was heavy BSP oriented, and for models, yes you had to make them block with invisible BSP models.

DON'T TELL ME LE 3 IS GOING THAT WAY ? laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png




for models you would create a model physics file.


It's no more LE 2 , it's LE 3 why not having the option to use the model polygons as collision ? It'w what other engines do.

If LE 3 keep that strange Phy files and LE 2 Workflow, i don't think it's the right direction.


A simple blocked out shape that represents the model.

Sorry but if my model represents a whole level scene with Walls, strairs, lot of rocks here and here , you really think i will loose hours creating blocking geometry ?

Even old engines from 10 years allowed you to use model shape for collision.


Imagine a racing complicated level model, i don't think you will be able to make blocking geometry using BSP.


So i would just want to knwo what us planed for such essential feature that is model collision for LE 3 ?

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