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Unique Sound Count


Go to solution Solved by Josh,

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Works fine in C++ but in LUA it would seem only 27 unique sound files can be loaded, the 28th stops the runtime window from responding.

Here's some sample code.


    sounds = {}
    for t=1, 28 do
        sounds[t] = LoadSound("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UltraEngine/Documentation/master/Assets/Sound/notification.wav", LOAD_UNMANAGED )


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Not sure if this helps any, but I think the problem goes beyond loading sound clips. Pretty much anything new I try to add to the project - be it materials, models, posteffects, even adding a new blank component file all result in the same thing - app freeze on startup. So maybe instead of just concentrating on loading a 28th sound - it could be a more system wide problem, environmental space or something. 

If it'll help you any, I'll zip up the entire project and send it to ya. 


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How do I trigger the bug in your program? I tried adding this code right before the main loop but there was no error:

sounds = {}
for t=1, 28 do
    sounds[t] = LoadSound("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UltraEngine/Documentation/master/Assets/Sound/notification.wav", LOAD_UNMANAGED )

while window:KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) == false and window:Closed() == false do


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