Josh Posted May 1, 2024 Author Share Posted May 1, 2024 A small change was needed for LOD distances. The current version is now 301. A Vec3 was added in the node properties. The old per-LOD value will be ignored. If you don't know what the LOD distances should be, just fill it with NAN values. See G3DModelLoader::LoadNode() below. The original version 300 models will continue to load with no changes. #include "UltraEngine.h" using namespace UltraEngine; namespace UltraEngine::Core { G3DModelLoader::G3DModelLoader() { extensions = { L"mdl" }; } String G3DModelLoader::ReadText(shared_ptr<Stream> stream) { int len = stream->ReadInt(); auto pos = stream->GetPosition(); String s; if (len) { s = stream->ReadString(len); stream->Seek(pos + len); } return s; } bool G3DModelLoader::Reload(shared_ptr<Stream> stream, shared_ptr<Object> o, const LoadFlags flags) { auto modelbase = o->As<ModelBase>(); if (modelbase == NULL) return false; modelbase->model = CreateModel(NULL); auto model = modelbase->model->As<Model>(); auto start = stream->GetPosition(); if (stream->ReadString(12) != "Ultra Model") return false; Assert(stream->GetPosition() == start + 12); this->version = stream->ReadInt(); if (version != 300 and version != 301) { Print("Error: MDL version " + String(version) + " not supported"); return false; } return LoadNode(stream, model, flags); } bool G3DModelLoader::LoadNode(shared_ptr<Stream> stream, shared_ptr<Model> model, const LoadFlags flags) { Vec3 pos, scale, lodrange; Vec4 color; Quat rot; String s; if (stream->ReadString(4) != "NODE") { Print("Error: Expected NODE tag"); return false; } model->name = ReadText(stream); model->properties = ParseJson(ReadText(stream)); ParseJson(ReadText(stream)); pos.x = stream->ReadFloat(); pos.y = stream->ReadFloat(); pos.z = stream->ReadFloat(); rot.x = stream->ReadFloat(); rot.y = stream->ReadFloat(); rot.z = stream->ReadFloat(); rot.w = stream->ReadFloat(); scale.x = stream->ReadFloat(); scale.y = stream->ReadFloat(); scale.z = stream->ReadFloat(); color.x = stream->ReadFloat(); color.y = stream->ReadFloat(); color.z = stream->ReadFloat(); color.a = stream->ReadFloat(); if (version > 300) { lodrange.x = stream->ReadFloat(); lodrange.y = stream->ReadFloat(); lodrange.z = stream->ReadFloat(); } model->SetPosition(pos); model->SetRotation(rot); model->SetScale(scale); model->SetColor(color); if (version > 300) { auto range = model->GetLodDistance(); if (not isnan(lodrange.x)) range.x = lodrange.x; if (not isnan(lodrange.y)) range.y = lodrange.y; if (not isnan(lodrange.z)) range.z = lodrange.z; model->SetLodDistance(range.x, range.y, range.z); } int countlods = stream->ReadInt(); for (int level = 0; level < countlods; ++level) { if (not LoadLod(stream, model, level, flags)) return false; } // Skeleton if (stream->ReadString(4) != "SKEL") { Print("Error: Expected SKEL tag"); return false; } int bones = stream->ReadInt(); if (bones) { if (model->GetParent()) { Print("Error: Skeleton can only appear in the model root node"); return false; } if (bones < 0) { Print("Error: Skeleton bones must be more than zero"); return false; } auto skeleton = CreateSkeleton(nullptr); skeleton->root = std::make_shared<Bone>(nullptr, skeleton); skeleton->bones.resize(bones); if (not LoadBone(stream, skeleton, skeleton->root, 0, flags)) return false; skeleton->root->UpdateMatrix(); skeleton->bones[0] = skeleton->root; skeleton->UpdateSkinning(); for (int n = 0; n < skeleton->bones.size(); ++n) { if (skeleton->bones[n] == NULL) continue; auto bone = skeleton->bones[n]; bone->inversebindmatrix = bone->matrix.Inverse(); bone->animbone->inversebindmatrix = bone->inversebindmatrix; bone->Finalize(); } model->SetSkeleton(skeleton); } //Attachment if (stream->ReadString(4) != "ATCH") { Print("Error: Expected ATCH tag"); return false; } int attachmentboneid = stream->ReadInt(); if (attachmentboneid != -1) { stream->Seek(stream->GetPosition() + 64); } // Animations if (stream->ReadString(4) != "ASET") { Print("Error: Expected ASET tag"); return false; } int animations = stream->ReadInt(); if (animations) { if (model->GetParent()) { Print("Error: Animations can only appear in the model root node"); return false; } for (int anim = 0; anim < animations; ++anim) { if (stream->ReadString(4) != "ANIM") { Print("Error: Expected ANIM tag"); return false; } auto seq = std::make_shared<Sequence>(); model->skeleton->root->animations.push_back(seq); model->skeleton->root->animbone->animations.push_back(seq); WString animname = ReadText(stream); float speed = stream->ReadFloat(); int keyframes = stream->ReadInt(); float duration = float(keyframes) / 60.0f * speed; int bones = stream->ReadInt(); for (int b = 0; b < bones; ++b) { if (stream->ReadString(4) != "BONE") { Print("Error: Expected BONE tag"); return false; } int keyflags = stream->ReadInt(); auto bone = model->skeleton->bones[b]; bone->animations.resize(animations); bone->animations[anim] = std::make_shared<Sequence>(); bone->animations[anim]->name = animname; bone->animations[anim]->speed = speed; bone->animations[anim]->keyframes.reserve(keyframes); bone->animations[anim]->duration = duration; KeyFrame key; for (int k = 0; k < keyframes; ++k) { if ((1 & keyflags) != 0) { key.position.x = stream->ReadFloat(); key.position.y = stream->ReadFloat(); key.position.z = stream->ReadFloat(); } if ((2 & keyflags) != 0) { key.rotation.x = stream->ReadFloat(); key.rotation.y = stream->ReadFloat(); key.rotation.z = stream->ReadFloat(); key.rotation.w = stream->ReadFloat(); } if ((4 & keyflags) != 0) { key.scale = stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); } bone->animations[anim]->keyframes.push_back(key); } bone->animbone->animations = bone->animations; } } } // Collider if (stream->ReadString(4) != "PHYS") { auto pos = stream->GetPosition() - 4; Print("Error: Expected PHYS tag at position " + String(pos)); return false; } int colliderdatasize = stream->ReadInt(); auto colliderstartposition = stream->GetPosition(); if (colliderdatasize) { Vec3 position, scale, euler; Quat rotation; std::vector<shared_ptr<Collider> > parts; int partcount = stream->ReadInt(); for (int n = 0; n < partcount; ++n) { if (stream->ReadString(4) != "PART") { auto pos = stream->GetPosition() - 4; Print("Error: Expected PART tag at position " + String(pos)); return false; } shared_ptr<Collider> part; auto tag = stream->ReadString(4); if (tag == "HULL") { float tol = stream->ReadFloat();// tolerance std::vector<Vec3> points; Vec3 p; int count = stream->ReadInt(); for (int n = 0; n < count; ++n) { p.x = stream->ReadFloat(); p.y = stream->ReadFloat(); p.z = stream->ReadFloat(); points.push_back(p); } part = CreateConvexHullCollider(points, 0.0f); if (part) part->tolerance = tol; } else if (tag == "MESH") { int opt = stream->ReadInt();// optimize flag int count = stream->ReadInt(); int vcount; std::vector<Vec3> face; Vec3 p; std::vector<std::vector<Vec3> > meshfaces; for (int n = 0; n < count; ++n) { vcount = stream->ReadInt(); face.clear(); for (int v = 0; v < vcount; ++v) { p.x = stream->ReadFloat(); p.y = stream->ReadFloat(); p.z = stream->ReadFloat(); face.push_back(p); } meshfaces.push_back(face); } part = CreateMeshCollider(meshfaces, false); if (part) part->optimizemesh = opt; } else { position.x = stream->ReadFloat(); position.y = stream->ReadFloat(); position.z = stream->ReadFloat(); rotation.x = stream->ReadFloat(); rotation.y = stream->ReadFloat(); rotation.z = stream->ReadFloat(); rotation.w = stream->ReadFloat(); scale.x = stream->ReadFloat(); scale.y = stream->ReadFloat(); scale.z = stream->ReadFloat(); if (tag == "BOX_") { part = CreateBoxCollider(scale, position, rotation.Euler()); } else if (tag == "CYLI") { part = CreateCylinderCollider(scale.x, scale.y, position, rotation.Euler()); } else if (tag == "CONE") { part = CreateConeCollider(scale.x, scale.y, position, rotation.Euler()); } else if (tag == "CCYL") { part = CreateChamferCylinderCollider(scale.x, scale.y, position, rotation.Euler()); } else if (tag == "CAPS") { part = CreateCapsuleCollider(scale.x, scale.y, position, rotation.Euler()); } else if (tag == "SPHE") { part = CreateSphereCollider(scale.x, position); } else { Print("Error: Unknown collider type \"" + tag + "\""); return false; } } if (part) parts.push_back(part); } if (parts.size()) { if (parts.size() == 1) { model->SetCollider(parts[0]); } else { auto c = CreateCompoundCollider(parts); model->SetCollider(c); } } stream->Seek(colliderstartposition + colliderdatasize); } // Load children if (stream->ReadString(4) != "KIDS") { Print("Error: Expected KIDS tag"); return false; } int countkids = stream->ReadInt(); for (int n = 0; n < countkids; ++n) { auto child = CreateModel(NULL); child->SetParent(model); if (not LoadNode(stream, child, flags)) return false; } model->UpdateBounds(); return true; } bool G3DModelLoader::LoadLod(shared_ptr<Stream> stream, shared_ptr<Model> model, const int level, const LoadFlags flags) { if (stream->ReadString(4) != "LOD_") { Print("Error: Expected LOD_ tag"); return false; } if (level >= model->lods.size()) model->AddLod(); float loddistance = stream->ReadFloat(); if (version < 301) { if (loddistance > 0.0f and model->lods.size() > 0 and model->lods.size() <= 4) { auto lods = model->GetLodDistance(); int i = int(model->lods.size()) - 2; lods[i] = loddistance; model->SetLodDistance(lods.x, lods.y, lods.z); } } int countmeshes = stream->ReadInt(); for (int m = 0; m < countmeshes; ++m) { if (not LoadMesh(stream, model, level, flags)) return false; } return true; } bool G3DModelLoader::LoadMesh(shared_ptr<Stream> stream, shared_ptr<Model> model, const int level, const LoadFlags flags) { if (stream->ReadString(4) != "MESH") { Print("Error: Expected MESH tag"); return false; } MeshPrimitives type = MeshPrimitives(stream->ReadInt()); if (type < 1 or type > 4) { Print("Error: Mesh type must be between one and four"); return false; } auto mesh = model->AddMesh(type, level); mesh->name = ReadText(stream); WString mtlpath = ReadText(stream); if (not mtlpath.empty()) { if (mtlpath.Left(2) == "./" and not stream->path.empty()) { mtlpath = ExtractDir(stream->path) + "/" + mtlpath; } auto mtl = LoadMaterial(mtlpath, flags); if (mtl) mesh->SetMaterial(mtl); } int vertexstride = stream->ReadInt(); if (vertexstride != 88) { Print("Vertext stride must be 84"); return false; } int vertexcount = stream->ReadInt(); mesh->m_vertices.resize(vertexcount); for (int v = 0; v < vertexcount; ++v) { mesh->m_vertices[v].position.x = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].position.y = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].position.z = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].normal.x = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].normal.y = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].normal.z = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].texcoords.x = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].texcoords.y = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].texcoords.z = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].texcoords.w = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].color.r = float(stream->ReadByte()) / 255.0f; mesh->m_vertices[v].color.g = float(stream->ReadByte()) / 255.0f; mesh->m_vertices[v].color.b = float(stream->ReadByte()) / 255.0f; mesh->m_vertices[v].color.a = float(stream->ReadByte()) / 255.0f; mesh->m_vertices[v].displacement = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].tangent.x = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].tangent.y = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].tangent.z = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].bitangent.x = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].bitangent.y = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].bitangent.z = stream->ReadFloat(); mesh->m_vertices[v].boneindices[0] = stream->ReadShort(); mesh->m_vertices[v].boneindices[1] = stream->ReadShort(); mesh->m_vertices[v].boneindices[2] = stream->ReadShort(); mesh->m_vertices[v].boneindices[3] = stream->ReadShort(); mesh->m_vertices[v].boneweights.x = float(stream->ReadByte()) / 255.0f; mesh->m_vertices[v].boneweights.y = float(stream->ReadByte()) / 255.0f; mesh->m_vertices[v].boneweights.z = float(stream->ReadByte()) / 255.0f; mesh->m_vertices[v].boneweights.w = float(stream->ReadByte()) / 255.0f; //SubD normals stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); } Vec4 zero; for (const auto& vertex : mesh->vertices) { if (vertex.boneweights != zero) { mesh->SetSkinned(true); break; } } int indicesize = stream->ReadInt(); int indicecount = stream->ReadInt(); uint32_t index; switch (indicesize) { case 2: mesh->m_indices.reserve(indicecount); for (int i = 0; i < indicecount; ++i) mesh->AddIndice(stream->ReadShort()); break; case 4: mesh->m_indices.resize(indicecount); stream->Read(mesh->, indicecount * sizeof(mesh->indices[0])); break; default: return false; } //Primitives flags if (stream->ReadString(4) != "PRIM") { Print("Error: Expected PRIM tag"); return false; } int primcount = stream->ReadInt(); if (primcount) { if (primcount != indicecount / type) { Print("Error: Primitives count must be equal to the number of primitives in the mesh, or zero"); return false; } stream->Seek(stream->GetPosition() + primcount); } //Vertex morphs if (stream->ReadString(4) != "MSET") { Print("Error: Expected MORP tag"); return false; } int morphcount = stream->ReadInt(); for (int m = 0; m < morphcount; ++m) { if (stream->ReadString(4) != "MORP") { Print("Error: Expected MORP tag"); return false; } if (stream->ReadInt() != 48) return false; for (int v = 0; v < vertexcount; ++v) { // Position stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); // Normal stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); // Tangent stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); // Bitangent stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); } } // Pick structure cache if (stream->ReadString(4) != "PICK") { Print("Error: Expected PICK tag"); return false; } int pickcachesize = stream->ReadInt(); if (pickcachesize) stream->Seek(stream->GetPosition() + pickcachesize); mesh->UpdateBounds(); return true; } bool G3DModelLoader::LoadBone(shared_ptr<Stream> stream, shared_ptr<Skeleton> skeleton, shared_ptr<Bone> bone, const int animcount, const LoadFlags flags) { if (stream->ReadString(4) != "BONE") { Print("Error: Expected BONE tag"); return false; } bone->m_id = stream->ReadInt(); bone->animbone->id = bone->id; //Print(bone->m_id); if (bone->id >= skeleton->bones.size()) skeleton->bones.resize(bone->id + 1); skeleton->bones[bone->id] = bone; if (bone->id >= skeleton->animskeleton->bones.size()) skeleton->animskeleton->bones.resize(bone->id + 1); skeleton->animskeleton->bones[bone->id] = bone->animbone; bone->name = ReadText(stream); bone->position.x = stream->ReadFloat(); bone->position.y = stream->ReadFloat(); bone->position.z = stream->ReadFloat(); bone->quaternion.x = stream->ReadFloat(); bone->quaternion.y = stream->ReadFloat(); bone->quaternion.z = stream->ReadFloat(); bone->quaternion.w = stream->ReadFloat(); bone->scale = stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat();// scale y and z not supported /*int count = stream->ReadInt(); if (bone->GetParent() and count != animcount) { Print("Error: Bone animation count must match that of the root node"); return false; } int i = stream->GetPosition(); for (int anim = 0; anim < count; ++anim) { auto seq = std::make_shared<Sequence>(); bone->animations.push_back(seq); bone->animbone->animations.push_back(seq); if (stream->ReadString(4) != "ANIM") { Print("Error: Expected ANIM tag"); return false; } bone->animations[anim]->name = ReadText(stream); bone->animations[anim]->speed = stream->ReadFloat(); int keyflags = stream->ReadInt(); int keyframes = stream->ReadInt(); if (not keyflags or not keyframes) continue; bone->animations[anim]->duration = float(keyframes) / 60.0f * bone->animations[anim]->speed; KeyFrame key; bone->animations[anim]->keyframes.reserve(keyframes); for (int k = 0; k < keyframes; ++k) { if ((1 & keyflags) != 0) { key.position.x = stream->ReadFloat(); key.position.y = stream->ReadFloat(); key.position.z = stream->ReadFloat(); } if ((2 & keyflags) != 0) { key.rotation.x = stream->ReadFloat(); key.rotation.y = stream->ReadFloat(); key.rotation.z = stream->ReadFloat(); key.rotation.w = stream->ReadFloat(); } if ((4 & keyflags) != 0) { key.scale = stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); stream->ReadFloat(); } bone->animations[anim]->keyframes.push_back(key); } } bone->animbone->animations = bone->animations; */ if (stream->ReadString(4) != "KIDS") { Print("Error: Expected KIDS tag"); return false; } int childcount = stream->ReadInt(); for (int n = 0; n < childcount; ++n) { auto child = std::make_shared<Bone>(bone, skeleton); bone->kids.push_back(child); if (not LoadBone(stream, skeleton, child, bone->animations.size(), flags)) { return false; } } return true; } } 1 Quote My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without. 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