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TablePlusPlus Loading and saving


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This is for a Leadwerks project and over the few months I've fell in love with tableplusplus and I've used it for my input system in Ultra Engine. I'm trying to port it to Leadwerks but it seems my implementation of the loading and saving isn't correct. My JSON parsers work fine but no data loads, and tables don't save as pretty as when using the json library alone.

Anything I'm doing wrong?

    table Table::Load(const std::string& path)
        auto j3 = JSON::Load(path);
        table t(j3);
        return t;

    table Table::Load(Stream* stream)
        auto j3 = JSON::Load(stream);
        table t(j3);
        return t;

    bool Table::Save(table& t, const std::string& path)
        nlohmann::json j3 = t.to_json();
        return JSON::Save(j3, path);

    table Table::Load(const std::wstring& path)
        auto j3 = JSON::Load(path);
        table t(j3);
        return t;

    table Table::Load(shared_ptr<FileStream> stream)
        auto j3 = JSON::Load(stream);
        table t(j3);
        return t;

    bool Table::Save(table& t, const std::wstring& path)
        nlohmann::json j3 = t.to_json();
        return JSON::Save(j3, path);


Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

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Nevermind, loading is fine, saving is the remaining issue. 

For the record, this is how I'm saving my json files.

    bool JSON::Save(nlohmann::json& j3, const std::string& path)
        std::ofstream o(path);
        o << std::setw(4) << j3 << std::endl;

        return (bool)FileSystem::GetFileType(path);


Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

If you like my work, consider supporting me on Patreon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

How would I save a table without it saving like below?

"{\n\t\"Console\": 112,\n\t\"Fullscreen\": 122,\n\t\"InGameControls\":\n\t{\n\t\t\"Crouch\": 17,\n\t\t\"Jump\": 32,\n\t\t\"MoveBackward\": 83,\n\t\t\"MoveForward\": 87,\n\t\t\"MoveLeft\": 65,\n\t\t\"MoveRight\": 68,\n\t\t\"QuickSpin\": 81,\n\t\t\"Use\": 69,\n\t\t\"ZoomIn\": 257,\n\t\t\"ZoomOut\": 258,\n\t\t\"axes\":\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"Camera\": 0\n\t\t},\n\t\t\"mousecursor\": 0\n\t},\n\t\"Pause\": 27,\n\t\"Quick Load\": 117,\n\t\"Quick Save\": 116,\n\t\"Screenshot\": 113,\n\t\"Terminate\": 35,\n\t\"mousecursor\": 1\n}"


Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

If you like my work, consider supporting me on Patreon!

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  • Solution
	bool SaveTable(table& t, const WString& path)
		std::string s = t.to_json();
		auto stream = WriteFile(path);
		if (stream == NULL) return false;
		stream->WriteString(s, false);
		return true;


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