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LE 3 : Custom physic problem


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I used "Polymesh" to generate a precise collision file than used it.

The character have a god character physic cylinder well centered with good size.


When moving it , it is a zone of the 3D model where the character is too much above ?

(And elsewhere it is just above the ground prefectly )




In fact it's a closed model.

So from where could come the problem ?

In physic view all is ok.

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I used "Polymesh" to generate a precise collision file than used it.


TreeCollision? TreeCollision can't fall or move around. All you can do is teleport it to a new position


The character have a god character physic cylinder well centered with good size.


Make sure the cylinder and the precise TreeCollision are set to ignore each other. Otherwise the cylinder can't fall because it is colliding with the other one.

LE Version: 2.50 (Eventually)

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What are you talking about ?




The character and model are in the root, they have no hierarchy between them.

The collision is good on whole model (climb etc ...), but bad in that particular place : it's a bug.

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A test made in another engine in some minutes ( model level physic by just clicking on a checkbox) :


It's a bad example caus crates are flying ennemies by script , but the player capsule is collision with level and it just works fine.





I should not compare , but when i can go forward with other engines, blocking LE 3 bugs just make me feel : i'm stuck and and can't go forward, why loosing more time trying ?


Yes it's Beta LE 3, so we just can wait unfortunately.

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