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Iterator for entities


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I am iterating through a list of LE3 Models. I had some trouble getting the position of every object during an iteration. I finnaly found something that works, but it looks really nasty. There must be a different way of accessing LE3 commands but I haven't found another way.


list<Model*>::iterator it;
for(it=roadBlocks.begin(); it != roadBlocks.end(); ++it)


Also when I debug, this is how it looks:


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It's a pointer, so it's the same object. I usually do this:

list<Entity*>::iterator entity;        
for (entity = entities.begin(); entity != entities.end(); entity++)
   Vec3 position = (*entity)->GetPosition();

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The problem is if you write " *it->MyMethod() " (example to show the problem) then c++ will try to use " * " (asterisk) on MyMethod but you want it on " it ", so you have to write (*it) to deferencing the iterator.



// Edit: to clarify


you could write something like this


Mycallback = &(*it)->GetMethodToCallBack();

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