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OS X 8.3 Publishing Error


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When attempting to publish any game listed in the project manager an error window appears and says "Failed to publish project"


i then open the editor of the project and says in the log:


/Applications/Leadwerks/Projects/(Project name, Darkness Awaits in this case)

Error: The project executable "Project Name, Darkness Awaits in this case).exe" was not found.


I'm using OS X. The project manager shouldn't even be looking for an exe to publish if i'm on a Mac. The option could be enabled for people who are using mingw or some other similar tool. But the lack of an exe shouldn't stop the publishing for mac OS X

bool Life()
   return death;


I have found the secret to infinite life


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Thank you josh,



I have ran the game but again like Josh said, OS X doesn't do any thing with exe. So if i make a game solely for OS X and don't have a windows machine to build on, then i'm kinda outta luck. I know that there are tools such as mingw but i shouldn't have to use these tools

bool Life()
   return death;


I have found the secret to infinite life


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