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Root motion for character animations?

Go to solution Solved by SpiderPig,

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I've come from the Discord, and no one seemed to know what I was referring to. I looked through the documentation, and turned up with nothing, so I figured I'd ask here. Does Ultra support Root motion natively, or would that have to be programmed in? The game I want to make relies heavily on moving characters fast and in complex patterns, so programming the motion in manually is essentially impossible, or at least improbable.

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If you can export this motion to glTF or FBX then it should work fine in Ultra. If you upload your model we can try it and show you the result.

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Thought I'd add to this here.  I got it working but not very well.

This is the component that made it work.

class Rabbit : public Component {
    shared_ptr<Entity> controller = nullptr;
    shared_ptr<Entity> pivot = nullptr;
    Vec3 root_start_pos;


    virtual void Start() {
        controller = CreateBox(GetEntity()->GetWorld(), 0.1f);
        controller->SetColor(1, 0, 0);

        pivot = CreateSphere(GetEntity()->GetWorld(), 0.05f);
        pivot->SetColor(0, 1, 0);


        controller->Move(0, 0.05, 0);

        auto model = GetEntity()->As<Model>();
        if (model != nullptr) {
            auto root = model->skeleton->FindBone("Root");
            root_start_pos = root->GetPosition();

    shared_ptr<Entity> GetPivot() {
        return pivot;

    Vec3 last_pos;
    int i = 0;
    virtual void Update() {
        auto model = GetEntity()->As<Model>();
        if (model != nullptr) {
            auto root = model->skeleton->FindBone("Root");
            auto local_pos = root->GetPosition();
            auto looped = false;
            if (local_pos.DistanceToPoint(root_start_pos) < 0.03f) {
                looped = true;
                Print("Looped" + WString(i));
                last_pos = Vec3();

            auto move_vec = local_pos - last_pos;
            last_pos = local_pos;
            root->SetPosition(0, 0, 0);

In order for it to work I need to know when the animation begins again.


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