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Odd Physics forces

Andy Gilbert

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Just wondering if anyone has played with physics yet in Leadwerks 3?


If i setup a simple key UP DOWN adds local force and LEFT and RIGHT adds local torque i get strange effects:


The addForce adds a force but when the key is released and the force is set to 0, the model INSTANTLY stops, despite the speed its traveling, its asif it hits a brick wall, what is stopping it?


The torque works fine and will rotate and slow down with friction.


But there seems to be something going on with force.


Friction also seems to have no effect on Force, it does with Torque.



The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do.


Leadwerks Game-Ready 3D Models:https://sellfy.com/gib3d

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