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Importing Models?

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Heyo how's everyone doing? I am not really sure how to ask this as I'm a noob when it comes to ultra engine and C++, at the moment I'm working on transferring my assets from Unreal to Ultra I'm a bit stuck at the guns, as all my weapon are created with all meshes made separately,  so like a weapon will have a Skeletal Mesh, a Physics Asset, The Actual Skeleton. Same Goes for the mags for each weapon. For Each weapon i Export, i can export the Skeletal Mesh. now since they mainly get put together using blueprint in unreal, I'm not quite sure what i need to do to get them working in Ultra. When i have each of the Meshes in Ultra when i go to the Asset Editor, i can see the skeletons but i just don't know how to link them? like is this something I'm going to do in code, or will i have to put it into blender and assemble the weapons fully there, and then import them into Ultra? ill try to put some pictures to show what I'm talking about, as I'm probably not explaining things to well.

These are from unreal

These are from Ultra

 so i guess what im trying to ask is, is there a way to link the parts in engine or do i have to go and do it in blender? 
again sorry if this is a stupid question/ or something not available in Ultra,

Thanks in advance for any information i highly appreciate it 

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Hello, and welcome!

You can drag each model into the scene to create it, then click and drag the node you want in the scene browser tree view into the parent you want it attached to.

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