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Editor: Foliage UI improvements


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These are some ideas for the Foliage UI:

  1. Like when adding a new Layer, the add variation should allow the selection of multiple files
  2. Some values should be set on layer level like ViewRange, lods, collision etc..
    1.  These value should be optional overridable per variation, maybe a simple checkbox to enable/disable the settings on the variation level
  3. Lod ranges should be in percentage, not in absolute values
    1. Why?
      1. With percentage the actual lod is dependend from the viewrange
      2. For ingame detail settings it might be easier to just adjust the viewrange compared to change the lod -ranges of each variation

Some additional idea for foliage and terrain:

Like in the WorldSettings it would be nice to save templates for the painting and foliage layers, this make it easier to reuse settings on new maps

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On 7/9/2024 at 11:02 PM, klepto2 said:

Some values should be set on layer level like ViewRange, lods, collision etc..

  1.  These value should be optional overridable per variation, maybe a simple checkbox to enable/disable the settings on the variation level

I can think of two possibilities here:

  • Numerical entry widgets now support NAN values. If the textfield is blank, the value is NAN. This could be used to specify whether the sublayer is overriding the value for the layer.
  • Another approach would be to allow selection of multiple nodes at once, so the value for several sublayers can be modified at once.

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