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MeshLayer: Depth bug


Go to solution Solved by Josh,

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While making this 

I encountered a rendering bug with Meshlayers (i don't know if it is intendend, but it looks weired to me)

For demonstration i use the Nature DLS, but it works with any MeshLayer.

The red circles shows an instance of the mesh layer and you see, that it is rendered on top. the green circle shows a manuallly added mesh of the same type as the mesh layer and is correctly displayed. Maybe the solution is simple. It would be great if transparancy would also work with meshlayers. otherwise glass and other materials might be in trouble.


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  • Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit-Version
  • NVIDIA Geforce 1080 TI
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Okay, I forgot to add a check to only draw the mesh layers once before the first transparent material is drawn...

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