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iOS Retina display input issues


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If you launch the simulator and go to Hardware->Devices and select any Retina simulator and then launch any game that takes input via touch/click (possibly model picking as that's what I'm doing) it doesn't register those touches/clicks.


If you comment out ViewController.mm->view.contentScaleFactor = 1.0 the clicking works but the gfx are so degraded that this can't be the solution.


[edit] Actually now that I think about it this might only be on the simulators as my iPad is retina and it worked for touching/clicking.

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Not 100% sure this is technically a bug, because the official behavior is to render to the regular resolution on retina devices, and I can't think of any reason to not do that. But I will leave it here and investigate when I have a chance.

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I guess I mentioned it because when I talked about the 2D issues you told me about this and to comment it out. That gave me the reason to do it :), and this is the result I saw, so I reported it.

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