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Lua Editor


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I feel like the Lua editor could use a new look to be more efficient. I think the windows on the right side (Output, Warnings, Errors, Debug) should be along the bottom and able to be hidden.


In their place I feel the Script directory structure should be displayed so that we get a view of the project scripts all in one place and can more easily switch between our files. When I created my game I put everything under App: because it's so much faster and more efficient than going back and forth to the editor and opening every file I want to work in so they show up as tabs. This would also put the Lua editor more on par with vs/xcode.



What else might be cool would be a Create Class Wizard that creates a Lua class in it's own file automatically for us where we give the class name. Much like VS does. This would help keep code consistent since there are a few ways to create classes in Lua.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Missed this, but in LE2 the way I was doing classes was:


Bubble = {}
Bubble_mt = {}

Bubble_mt.__metatable = Bubble
Bubble_mt.__index = Bubble
Bubble = setmetatable(Bubble, Bubble_mt)

function Bubble:New()
local obj  = {}
table.CopyFromTo(self, obj)

--obj.color = color
obj.sphere  = CreateSphere(32)
--obj.sphere:SetKey("color", colorNumber)
--obj.tmrTurnOff = Timer:New(250)
--obj.tmrTurnOff:AddEventHandler(obj, self.TurnOff)
obj.sphere:SetScalef(.125, .125, .125)
obj.sphere:SetColor(Vec4(1, 0, 0, 1))

return obj

function Bubble:Update()
--self.sphere:Turnf(1, 1, 1)

function Bubble:TurnOn(silent)
--if silent == false then
--PaintEntity(self.cube, self.onMaterial)

function Bubble:TurnOff(tmr)
--PaintEntity(self.cube, self.offMaterial)



A template for new classes could be made very easily like this with a "Create Class" option for the Lua editor. Could help the Lua programs from making everything global and all in 1 file. When games start getting bigger in Lua and aren't using the entity scripts, using classes like this will help organize it better.

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