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LE units change?


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Are we able to change the LE unit measurement? I had my little test scene setup where I positioned the camera to the player, the did camera:Move() to move it up and back by a certain value. I was then messing around with animations sequences, reimporting the model, I had to close/reopen the editor a few times because of a bug where even a left click was registering as a right click in the asset window. Then one time when I reopened the editor back up and ran the game the camera was way higher and way farther back and those values didn't change. Not also I notice GoToPoint() isn't working right. The values I'm getting when I pick the csg ground are like the scale changed a ton. To get only a 1 unit change in value I have to click way way far from the player and even so the player isn't going to the right point because the values are clearly wrong.



if self.window:MouseHit(Key.LButton) then
   local p = self.window:GetMousePosition() 
   local pickinfo = PickInfo()

      -- picking the ground
      if self.camera:Pick(p.x, p.y, pickinfo, 1, true) then
         self.gotoPos = pickinfo.position
         self.player:GoToPoint(pickinfo.position, 1, 1)
         self.animationSequence = PlayerAnimations.Walk


This was the same code I was using when it was working

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