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Multiline commented properties are still used


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This is why I think using comments to define things isn't the way to go about it. I think it should be defined with Lua tables 100%.


Script.Speed = {}

Script.Speed.type = int

Script.Speed.value = 5

Script.Speed.label = "Speed"



type, value, label are all hardcoded values that LE can look for while looking through the Script table of properties. I think this is cleaner and more readable even though it's more lines of code. We could also shorthand it via:


Script.Speed = { type="int", value=5, label="Speed" }

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@ Rick: You don't have to define properties as comments. Without the '--' it works as well. However I do like the approach of the table. It is simple can be easily adjusted.


The current way works okay as well, but some documented properties don't function well. So either documentation or the properties are incorrect.

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