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We wanted to focus on the art pipeline and core tools first, but this is on the short list of things to do. I've implemented terrain several times in the past, and know how to do it.

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Josh, and guys, a quick question. If I create a terrain in Blender, as any other 3d mesh, will it be ok to be used in Leadwerks 3? (I mean collision-wise, optimizations, etc etc). If so, I can capture a quick video tutorial showing how to create a basic terrain (nothing too elaborated, let's say a "cartoony" terrain) in blender:


My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... :D

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I also just found a nice way to model terrains in blender using heightmaps, so if they can be used in Leadwerks 3 I'll be glad to capture those tuts; one showing the simple way and the other using a heightmap:


My signature was so outdated! I don't know if it's even relevant nowadays... :D

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