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Win 8 Generate Shape Crash


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When attempting to generate a shape for some of my models. it generates what i think is a corrupt shape. I go to the model in the asset browser of the editor and right click on the models i want to generate a shape for. I right click and select generate Shape. The phy file is then generated. I drag the model to the editor to create an instance of the model and in the physics tab i click the browse button and open the shape. once i click on okay this error appears:


I click on OK and Leadwerks closes. I've tried removing the phy files and regenerating and same result. I tried to click on Convex decomposition and says that it can't load the hull tool. I searched the path and Hull.exe isn't there. Only polymesh currently generated a stable phy file. I've used this process with other models, IDK why this isn't working with this one now. If this needs to be moved to the general forum then that is fine.

bool Life()
   return death;


I have found the secret to infinite life


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