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Ultra Engine Pro Project Manager says No Recents Projects and closes


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I have visual C++ microsoft 2022 i have tried several ways to get the project i worked and still works in leadwerks  4.6 version i am trying to place that project into Ultra Engine to be accepted and open up the engine to work with i have had no luck so far please Email xxxxxxxx with answer so i can get the engine to work thank you in advance with the solution

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Hi James, you will need to create a new Ultra project and then copy the files you want from the Leadwerks project into it. It's important that the project contain the shaders and other files that Ultra uses.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Can someone please Email a simple example project created in C++ 2022 and where to place it in Ultra Engine Pro so when i click that project is recognized and functions of the engine become available of the Engine.  I try and place it at D:\Steamlibrary\Steamapps\common\Ultra Engine Pro but the program still states no recents projects in the project manager and closes.

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I can do anything in Leadwerks 4.6 but i can not figure out why the Engine with no projects established will not load so that you can create a project from scratch and have map objects animation ect working i highly suggest when release of version 1.?.? that a raw project is included to help those worked with leadwerks smooth transition or a mini program from projects created in leadwerks 4.6 into ultra engine by having that program convert the raw projects into functional projects in ultra engine

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i tried on an alt computer to load the Ultra Engine Pro as the project Manager initialized in center No Recents Project and closes with Error in white box "error failed to start renderer" i do not get that white box on my main computer running Windows 11 alt computer runs windows 10.  I will only be using Ultra Engine on one computer i was just testing it on the alt computer.

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6 minutes ago, JamesHarden said:

Intel(R) UHD Graphics 1GB memory dedicated to video card

I think this graphics chip does not meet the minimum system requirements.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Which is better or easier since leadwerks and Ultra Engines are different i have blank C++ build importing from leadwerks or rebuild in ultra what i done in leadwerks.  If i rebuild i will use the more modern format vs import one format to another file management.  i use Pro in both format but i am not looking at speed but which format structure best to develop the current design game in.  I can import or just update the files in the ultra engine pro.  either way i will be using blender gimp and Ultra Engine Pro fade away from leadwerks Pro V4.6  Thank you for answering in advance.  I need the discord code so i can join the discussion server.  If you still support that.

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Do i need the Ultra Engine Pro subscriptions instead of 3 months fee i like to do monthly of fee of $9 or less and can i sign up for the subscription with my Steam Games account since they have my pay info already? thank you for all these answers Also can i use these material in Leadwerk v4.6 also as the ultra engine becoming published fully working copy?

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