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SCFinderPlugin on Mac


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I had installed SCFinderPlugin previously, but it's now removed.

I have no file in /Library/Contextual Menu Items nor /Library/Receipts (I don't even have these folders).


Leadwerks does pop up at the beginning warning me to delete these, and refuses to start.


What can I do?

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This folder must be destroyed:

"/Library/Contextual Menu Items/SCFinderPlugin.plugin"


To show hidden files on Mac:



This plugin caused random crashes in file dialogs, in Leadwerks and in other programs:




My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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I have my hidden files shown using this method, and the folder is not here at all in Library. Are you sure Leadwerks doesn't check for some other indicator that I previously installed SCFinderPlugin?

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There's a USERNAME/Library folder you might be looking at. You want "/Library", from the root (MacintoshHD).


If that plugin is there, it will make Leadwerks and other applications crash.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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