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Set Shadow Quality


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I've noticed in the editor that I can set shadow quality to low, med, high, ultra..

However, this setting does not carry over to runtime.  I still have high def shadows in-game regardless what I have set in the editor.

Skimming over the docs, I see no command allowing for me to set this quality setting in code.

I'm requesting such a command. Ty. 

Also, scene:Save() would be crazy cool if it would add the new models from the save to be accessible in the scene tree, editor side,  for editability then eventually save the map back out with the editions included.. This type of ability would open up a world of asset possibilities. You have to agree that the better the extra assets become the more popularity and sales come to the engine.  I place this ability on my highest request list.



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On 1/11/2025 at 10:47 AM, Alienhead said:

Also, scene:Save() would be crazy cool if it would add the new models from the save to be accessible in the scene tree, editor side,  for editability then eventually save the map back out with the editions included

This should be possible, but you need to add any new entities to the scene yourself. The scene does not include every entity in the world automatically.

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