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Component of prefab uses prefab's scene in Load


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  • Dreikblack changed the title to Component of prefab uses prefab's scene in Load

This is by design. The prefab has a temporary scene all entities are loaded into, which allows each component to retrieve the objects in that prefab.

What happens if you move the navmesh code into the first call to the Update() method? Something like this:

class component
	std::weak_ptr<Scene> scene;
void component::Update()
  auto scene = this->scene.lock();
  if (not scene)
      scene = MyGame->scene;
      this->scene = scene;
      if (scene and not scene->navmeshes.empty())
            //do some things here...


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3 hours ago, Josh said:
scene = MyGame->scene;

This is something that i can do in my game by using Singletones, but it's not proper option for components to share in Downloads or tutorials.

3 hours ago, Josh said:

component to retrieve the objects in that prefab.

Which should be possible via kids of root entity and normal scene anyway?

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2 hours ago, Dreikblack said:

This is something that i can do in my game by using Singletones, but it's not proper option for components to share in Downloads or tutorials.

Which should be possible via kids of root entity and normal scene anyway?

Not exactly. Prefabs have a UUID for each entity, but since there can be multiple prefabs of the same file loaded, a new UUID is generated when the prefab gets added to the main scene. It's messy.

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My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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