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Clearing the world


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I'm attempting to clear an active world..  Say the player wishes to restart the map, not a /sav but a complete restart of the map that loaded upon entering the game.

So far I'm attempting to do it this way:

if window:KeyHit(KEY_F2) then 
        scene = LoadMap(world, mapname)

But it leaves stuff behind, decals, and any other entity or game object I have referenced elsewhere in my code.  

Sure could use some advice on this one, I'm stumped.

I know this will be a question asked 100's of time once you get 1.0 released customers in here... Do you think it may be a big enough deal to include a world:Clear() / world:Unload() /  scene:Wipe() / scene:Kill()   or something ?

As it stands Im pretty much guessing and hoping stuff got cleared with nil, its not reassuring. 

If not, then maybe a clear path to as what needs to be done to restart a map without lingering 'things' in the world/scene. 






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Going to be pretty rough clearing a map/scene all the way out then. :(

Guess I'll just have to go through all my code and grab all the table and variable names pointing to something.

So for example, something like the player component, which opens up a lot of tables and variables on it's own, won't scene = nil kill the player component and thus all it contains ? Or I'm still needing to clear that first before scene = nil?





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A scene can be cleared without deleting an entity if the entity is still being referenced by something else. In C++, this would normally mean you're using another shared pointer as a reference when you should be using a weak pointer. No clue about Lua to be honest. 

Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

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