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Vegetation and shader bugs

eX Software

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All these major issues can be described as a single sequence of actions that led to them (I've previously reported some of them in the chat):

1) In most cases (at least 9/10 times in my experience), when creating a new terrain in a level and adding a vegetation layer, objects in this layer remain invisible but appear in the game mode. Attempting to generate Global Illumination on this editor session causes a crash. However, after reopening the editor and map again, everything works as expected;
2) Two-sided textures in vegetation layers are bugged (causes flickering);
3) If a texture without the necessary properties for usage on terrain is assigned to the terrain, heightmap changes will be invisible, as expected. However, in this case, attempting to open such a map in game mode consistently causes a crash (perhaps the cause is different, but for me, the crash always happened in this sequence of events);
4) The map doesn't open on my configuration (GTX 1060) if shadow quality is set to Ultra or Very High (editor crash);
5) Lighting is bugged when SSLR is enabled in the settings (color artifacts from light objects);
6) At a 1280x720 resolution with SSAO enabled, a black line appears on the floor about a meter from the player and follows them continuously;
7) Firing a weapon causes micro-freezes and severe performance drops until the shooting is finished.

Additional requests that are crucial for proper workflow:

1) Fluttering vegetation shaders should be assignable in branch, bush, and grass materials, along with dynamic shadow shaders for them (similar to Leadwerks);
2) Allow decimal values in the Density setting for vegetation layers (this was possible in Leadwerks).

I'm attaching a link to a map where you can see all these problems (you'll need the Nature Starter Pack to launch). As I understand it, at the moment the map will not launch in game mode and will crash due to the third point: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xQ-TiN-0Ok08WKn9OFih8BOKMrmEjpEH/view?usp=sharing

Edited by eX Software
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