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Entity::EmitSound issues


Go to solution Solved by Josh,

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Using Entity::EmitSound() I am not hearing the sound as a 3D spatial sound - it is very weighted to my left ear, no matter which direction I face, or how close to the entity playing the sound I am. Is there something I could be doing wrong? Essentially my component that is attached to an entity in the world calls GetEntity()->EmitSound( .... ).

Tested on latest dev branch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Joshso while that fixes emitted sounds, it appears to break standard sounds that are just played by calling the Play() function. Its like as though my camera has now spatialized a sound that should be heard directly by the player, such as weapon reload. If I reload my gun, I can hear it mostly in my left ear, and then as I turn my player around I can hear it in the other ear.

Is there something else here I have missed?

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5 hours ago, Dreikblack said:

Another option i think is speaker->SetSpatialization(false);

By default, mono sounds are spatialized and stereo are not. You can override this behavior with this command.

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