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URGENT: Assigning Component


Go to solution Solved by Josh,

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This I consider CRITICAL since Nearly all my attached components are all whacked out.


I just assigned a component script to a mesh:  ( critters_crab.lua ) 


And proceeded to run my project only to find out the editor assigned the script to every actor on my map.

I selected everything and removed it. I was hoping I had everything selected and it wasn't a bug but an error on my part. No such luck, I reassigned the script to an actor and launched the project again only to find out the script was once more plastered to every actor in my map.


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  • Alienhead changed the title to URGENT: Assigning Component

It's not holding the values set in the component either.  Everything returns to default once the actor is selected, deselcted and selected again. Any changes to the components values are wiped..   And as an added 'kick to the face', the script is attached it's self all over the place.


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Here is what I did:

  1. Create two pivots.
  2. Assign the Motion/Mover component to one pivot.
  3. Set the movement X value to 2.0
  4. Save the map.
  5. Open the map.
  6. Only the pivot I assigned the component to has it attached, and the 2.0 value I set is preserved.


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Yah well the panels are not updating, they show components attached that aren't even there, they never update the values set on them.  I have to save and drop completely out of the editor to get a real reading of what is attached to what and what the current values are.  Sorry you cant reproduce this an I have no way of helping any more than I explained..   I'll check back in a few days and hopefully someone else has reported this as well and perhaps explained it better ... My hands are tied with this now.


Your version of Ultra and mine never seem to co-reside. 


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