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Component/Script deactivation


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I was doing some thinking on the topic brought up in discord the other day it has me rather bothered...  regarding calling to many components.

I started looking over my own project and realized that 80% of the time component is out of range. Now I do a SetHidden(true) when that happens but If I understand correctly the update() and hooks() still get called?

I have a simple solution, self.entity:DeactivateComponenet(true/false)

For the 100's of objects on a map that arent even being used, seen or reacted with - this seems like a great waste of resource to me. We could simply turn the component OFF so the engine don't make calls to it - then turn it back on when it's in range or whatever the designer sees fit.

I personally,   can see major room for optimization with such an ability

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Let me through out an example.

I have a map with a terrain on it, and plenty of stuff going on, underneath theres a tunnel that goes to a large cave area. Well inside the cave area I have hundreds of scripts/components for doors, particles, etc.etc..  

Now these are constantly getting called ( update() or whatever ) and Im not even in the cave.  It would be easy to build a custom function that checks player distance to component and then re-activate the components when I enter the cave..  

Just an  example... but ..


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This is something I have considered. Something like Entity::SetUpdateRange(), and you would need another command to indicate where the "center" of the update region is. It can't just be the camera position, because multiple cameras are supported.

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I think it might work right now if you just do this:

function thing:DisableUpdate()
	self.temp = self.Update
	self.Update = nil

function thing:EnableUpdate()
	if self.temp ~= nil then self.Update = self.temp end


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My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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