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C# support :


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Well, again a personnal wish, so i t hink not possible laugh.png



Some people like me know some VB.Net , C# languages, that we find so easy to use, less complex than C++. And it's enought powerfull language for indie games and even bigger quality games.


LE2 was supporting many languages, now we have dropped to Lua and C++.

Lua now passing 2nd position.

Would C# official wrapper be possible ? or would it be too much work ?

Stop toying and make games

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There never was C# official support for LE2, either, only C# wrappers provided by the community. And as much as I can understand your wish (since Java and C# development has been my job for more than ten years by now), I think it would be a step in the wrong direction. One of Leadwerks 3s main selling points is "native code" to avoid the overhead of a virtual machine especially in the context of mobile games. And if you already know C# (which is a very feature-rich language) you shouldn't have too much difficulty picking up Lua.


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It's not a good idea to rely on dead Microsoft technologies. The game industry is built on C++ and Lua for good reason. The speed and power of C++ is unmatched, and the extreme flexibility of Lua makes it perfect for game scripting.



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